Saturday 19 December 2009

During the last ICT lesson of the term, we made a video of what university means to us. As there were only a few people in the class, we split into small groups to film different sections of the video. The class discussed what we wanted the film to show. We wanted to show the balance between the work, home life and socialising. We filmed the film on small video cameras which were really simple to use and make it easy to film the scenes. After we had finished filming we uploaded the sections of video onto the computer. We had to convert the software to another type to allow us to use it. Once we had done this we had to make a slideshow of the clips of video which we then saved to the file which all students can access. Then one of the other groups put all the clips of film together. This showed me how the video cameras can be used to easily make videos. I also learnt how to use different technology that I wouldnt have used before. I really enjoyed this lesson.

Wednesday 18 November 2009

Christmas Glog

Today I am going to make a Glog about Christmas. A glog is an online poster that can include images, videos, text and links to other pages. The glog will show a family getting ready for Christmas. The glog will show a family shopping for Christmas, decorating the house and putting up the Christmas tree. The glog will show Christmas Eve and how the family gets ready for Christmas. The glog will also show Christmas day including Christmas dinner. This glog will show how posters can also be used online and they give a different way of sharing information.

Wednesday 11 November 2009

This is my car animation.
I created this using 2animate which is a softwafe used to primary schools to create animations. It was easy to use and was lots of fun.

Wednesday 28 October 2009

Today I made a wiki. The wiki is about technology within education today. Wikis are a good way to share information with other people. They allow ideas to be shared with many people and allow people to add their own ideas to someone else`s work. Some information can be incorrect and by allowing people to edit your work they can correct it if necessary.

Wednesday 21 October 2009

Wednesday 14 October 2009

My first blogging experience

A blog can be on any topic. Many people can read your blog and can comment on things you have written. A persons blog will usually be on a topic which they are interested in. A blog can be personal or proffesional. People can put images or videos on their blog. You can also put links to other websites or other blogs on your blog.