Tuesday 22 February 2011

This is the last session of ict for this term. Last session we were playing with different types of games consoles to see the difference and how they could be used in education. We had a lot of fun experimenting with the games consoles. We played on the xbox, the play station three, and the wii. We also used the brain training game on the ds console. Some of the games could be very useful in education such as the brain training and the sudoko games. These could be used in maths lessons as lesson starters.
I think that some of the games would not be very useful in education such as the Prince of Persia game, this game was not very educational. But overall some of the games could be used, but only if they are going to benefit the lesson.

Tuesday 25 January 2011

Last week we played some computer games so we could have a look at the types of games that are available for young people to play. The game i player was called Privates, and it was aimed at teenage boys. The games was educational and fun to play, although i think that there should be a version of the game for girls. The game mainly dealt with the problems that boys might have. It would be a good idea for a game for girls.
This week we are going to have a debate about using computer games in education. My group are going to argue for the use of games in education. We looked at some research into the effects of computer games on young children and have made some points for the debate.

Tuesday 18 January 2011


This is the second ICT lesson of the term. Last week we were looking at different types of games, and the differences between computer or video games and board games. We then made a powerpoint presentation with moral deilemas. We showed them to the rest of the class. We also had a look at the Bett show

Tuesday 11 January 2011

ICT- 11th January

We have just come back from the Christmas holidays. I had a very good christmas and enjoyed spending time with my family. I havent used this blog in a long time and i cant remember what to do. :) We had a lot of snow at the end of November and at the start of December, which was quite annoying because it disrupted plans and made travelling very hard.

Back to long lectures and early mornings, but not sure that i can manage them. This is the second week of the new term and back to the early mornings.

Saturday 19 December 2009

During the last ICT lesson of the term, we made a video of what university means to us. As there were only a few people in the class, we split into small groups to film different sections of the video. The class discussed what we wanted the film to show. We wanted to show the balance between the work, home life and socialising. We filmed the film on small video cameras which were really simple to use and make it easy to film the scenes. After we had finished filming we uploaded the sections of video onto the computer. We had to convert the software to another type to allow us to use it. Once we had done this we had to make a slideshow of the clips of video which we then saved to the file which all students can access. Then one of the other groups put all the clips of film together. This showed me how the video cameras can be used to easily make videos. I also learnt how to use different technology that I wouldnt have used before. I really enjoyed this lesson.

Wednesday 18 November 2009

Christmas Glog

Today I am going to make a Glog about Christmas. A glog is an online poster that can include images, videos, text and links to other pages. The glog will show a family getting ready for Christmas. The glog will show a family shopping for Christmas, decorating the house and putting up the Christmas tree. The glog will show Christmas Eve and how the family gets ready for Christmas. The glog will also show Christmas day including Christmas dinner. This glog will show how posters can also be used online and they give a different way of sharing information.

Wednesday 11 November 2009

This is my car animation.
I created this using 2animate which is a softwafe used to primary schools to create animations. It was easy to use and was lots of fun.